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Hi everyone!!

I took the first step to a self playing drumkit. I made a self playing snare drum. It took a few iterations to make it as good as the proof of concept wooden prototype but I'm happy with the end result. This design should be good for anything that needs to be hit, cymbals, cowbells... the lot. 

As you can see this videos take a little bit less time to iterate as I already know what I'm going to make a few videos in advance and machining allows for way quicker design iterations. 

I'm thinking about what final materials I want to include in the final build and it seems that building a plasma cutter and a full sheet CNC router is unavoidable, we'll see.

As always I love to read your comments down below so bring them on!!





Nice. The prototype shwingy thingy was made out of some foreign material I'm unfamiliar with. It almost looks organic 😂 Cheers, JAYTEE

Michael Schecker

reducing all masses will speed up ..... I tested it some minutes ago with a springloaded solenoid mit a PA (printed) tip. The soleniod is positioned under the drum. Tip is working up direction 50 beats per second are possible Cool idea thanx ffor inspirating me

Ivan Miranda

That's going to be the next video! I'm planning on using some sort of mill with contacts for the mill and I need to test how different playing speeds and on/off times affect to the reliability of the hits. We'll see if our results match up. Thanks Michael!