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Hi everyone! 

The image above shows how many iterations, some of them complete designs where scrapped before getting one that is viable enough for the weekly video, hopefully that gives you an idea of how much consideration has to be given to a design before becoming a working prototype. 

Still the final version is not perfect but if you are interested on trying to replicate it here is the Fusion360 source for you to try it out, modify it or do whatever you want with it:


Please bear in mind that this is just a prototype and lots of modifications would be necessary for it to be print and play, still I think this could be printed and used. 

Here are the links for the straight and bend tracks:

Straight tracks. 

Curved tracks. (This one is a bit rough, it works though)

I'll try to keep posting the next iterations of the design in this rough form as I go along.





Thanks Ivan, I really like the idea of a community based track printing project. Cheers, JAYTEE