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Hi everyone!! This week has been like the 110 metres hurdles, the family car engine broke (this one is done for good), and we had a few family issues that made me lost two working days ( on this and on my other boring job) but at least I managed to get a promising power train for the tank. This setup is so powerful that might make me redo the entire treads or at least substitute all the tread pins for metal ones. One thing is for sure, this thing will have plenty of power an torque for anything that we might want to try with it. 

Tanks ya'll for your support!!!!




Andrzej Autko

I think that the middle of the threaded rod for the belt tensioning system is going to be a strain point and is prone to braking, as the two belts are tensioned independently depending on the suspension working as well. Also, I believe that metal support plates for idlers/suspension on the wall of the tank should improve durability of the system greatly. Plastic can be very tough, but is also elastic to a point, and I can imagine the suspension parts becoming loose after some use. Btw, plz stop messing the thousand/hundred RPM stuff xd This comment is not written to offend You, just trying my best to put useful input instead of generic congratulations on the project.

Ivan Miranda

Thanks for the input mate! I'm always learning! Tanks!! And BTW the next video will probably be here tomorrow night if everything goes as expected, last week wounded myself and got a bit delayed. Cheers!


you know you're making great content when im searching high and low for more to fuel my addiction haha. its great to watch when i take breaks from building my robot :) as its like a break but still helpful