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Hi everyone!!

When I started on Patreon I would have never believed that someone could be interested on supporting me this way, and I'm as thankful as I'm thrilled about where we can go from here. You helped me gain the necessary confidence to make some changes on my life and now, thanks to you I'll have some more time on my hands to dedicate to this amazing project we have (don't worry, i did not quit my job).

I've made a few 3D printer reviews lately because I wanted to try it out and because Free Printers!! And I will have to make a couple of them more just because it got a bit out of hand... but anyway. Here I pledge to you that I will never substitute the Friday video again with a simple 3d printer review. 

I have a few projects open now that I'll have to finish:

The big printer: I'll definitely will have time to tell you the complete story of this printer, there is a lot more than it seems in its design, and as a few things changed in my life, a few things will change in its design.

The plotter robot of which you've seen a few episodes and that will be finished and shown working soon.

This thing in the post image that started with an offer from a Chinese online store for free stuff that got a bit overdone... 

And next...

I want your feedback, I have plenty of projects that I could start but I want to know what you'd like to see me trying. I have the itch to try and opensourcely replicate the BlackBelt printer so anyone can have one at home... build a giant CNC machine so I can start building bigger projects... So please comment and let me know.

I also will start to be able to fulfil the rewards of all of your pledge levels which I've been neglecting for the last months. I'm truly sorry for that and thankful for your understanding. 

Thanks and see you on friday!!!



Jay Almquist

So far you have built a lot of 3d printer parts with you 3d printers. I would like to see a ukulele or another violin, something cool. Like others have said I would like to see your upgrade ideas for hardware, drivers, stepped, auto level, your "serious opinions" on cooling fans. Why you like glass or mirrors vs builtak, any adhesion tips for and, etc.

Ivan Miranda

Thanks a lot for your feedback, I'll take it into account when choosing new projects. You're awesome!!