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Travelling and making videos is a bit complicated, but that might not be a problem soon. Here is a hint of what's coming next... Thanks!



Jon Raymond

Maybe I should take a break from supporting you as this bother me probably more than it should. I guess I'm used to Patreon creators such as James from Xrobots who handle this differently. The part that bothers me is that as a supporter I don't feel very valued when the general public seems to be put a head of us. Anyways, best of luck with your channel.

John Keller

I support both James and Ivan because I enjoy the videos and content. I want them to be able to spend time to do this so that I can keep watching their videos. James has had a channel for years and has inched up to where he is today. This is hard work. Keep it up Ivan! The only thing that makes me cringe is when you use scissors to strip wires!!!! send me your address and I'll send you some proper wire strippers! Cheers! (At least you don't use your teeth)

Ivan Miranda

I'm very thankful for all your support, I'm working very hard to not let you down nor my family. Btw, I've stripped wires with scissors my whole life and I've even won bets at work XD but I promise I won't use my teeth. Cheers mate!!