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Hey guys! Thought you'd be interested in this.

 As many of you old timers know I do a public release almost every month and have been for years now, but we've had a ton of new patrons recently (welcome!) so I thought it stood to reason to actually explain what the hell the plan is instead of a new chapter of OoT just magically appearing in your email every few weeks.

So in general, I do 9 to 10 releases per year with the public version always releasing on the 1st of the month. Patrons get 7 day early access, so usually the 25th or 24th of the previous month (That's why the calendar up above looks skewed to the right by one month, it's tracking just public.)

I usually take January and July off to travel, catch up on life and work on my second project which means no release the following month. In addition to this, big climax chapters (such as Ch22, Ch29, Ch37, etc) take two months to complete, although they're typically more than twice as long so you're getting more content than you would otherwise, not less.  

Anyway, hope that helps. Hit me up if you have any questions or ideas!




Would you be able to release faster if Kieran and Sarah had smaller asses? Seems like a lot of development time is spent rendering those extra pixels.