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Hey guys! 

After a long, long wait it's finally time to try OoT on Android! For real!

This took a ton of effort on the part of Snow and all of our dedicated testers on Discord, but we've finally got it working the way we'd like despite how much Android OS wanted to fight back.

But we've made it, and with an APK that will scale well with the rest of the game as it grows without us having to worry about the native APK filesize limit or any sort of DDL server that Android really, really wishes we'd use.

So basically, the core game code is set up in the main .APK. This is the game itself and will be what you play.

Then to install the game, you'll download Asset Installers which are essentially just bundles of renders, script and music that will get cumulatively added to the main game as it updates. 

(If you think of it like downloading an update patch, and you're not really far off.)

Once the Asset Installers are finished, you can get rid of them and just leave the main .APK on your phone. 

When it comes time to update OoT again, you'll just download a new Asset Installer and do the same thing. Pretty easy.

Now, nothing in life is perfect and this will probably be nowhere near, at least for a while. We've tested this on our end extensively, but we still expect there to be wacky crap going on with the UI and that's why we need YOU!

If (...When) you run into issues with the Android build, please-please-please either drop me a DM or (more preferably) hop onto our Discord server (https://discord.gg/outoftouch) and report it to us in our new Android-build channel.

Q. Why so many Asset Installers? Why not just put them all together?

A. Because Android has a 2gb limit on bundled .APKs, which has been the cause of so much of our headache with implementing an Android build. 

Believe it or not, Android was not built with Indie Porn Games in mind.

Q. But I can just download Ren'py games and use Joiplay.

A. Because Joiplay is emulating a PC environment for Ren'py and isn't using .APKs. If you feel like writing a Unity PC emulator for Android I will happily use it instead.

Q. Wait, there are games on Android that are Unity and are way bigger than 2gb!

A. Correct, they do something pretty much like this. Except instead of downloading separate Asset Installers, you just download Genshin Impact from their servers directly. 

With several hundred thousand downloads already for OoT, paying for that much bandwidth would likely be more than I even make. It just doesn't really make sense for a donation-only game.

With our solution, it's just slightly less convenient for the same outcome but otherwise totally free for everyone involved, you included.

Anyway, here are the actual instructions per Snow:

Instructions for Installing Out of Touch for Android:
 1 - Download the four asset installers listed Below.
 2. Run each installer in order. IMPORTANT: if you took part in testing with the previous installer files. You MUST click the uninstall button on the first asset installer ONCE before clicking install. If you didn't help test already, don't do that.
3 - Install the Main Game APK listed below and run it. 
 Future updates will work like this: 
                1. A new asset installer will be released. It must be installed in order. Therefor if you are installing fresh or are a few updates behind, you must be sure to install them in the order they are released.
                2. The main game APK will not need to be updated for this. Separate updates to the main game APK will release irregularly to fix bugs and improve the UI/UX. This will not be patreon status dependent. In other words, if I give you a patch to the main APK, it will work no matter which version of the game's assets you are using.  

Main Game APK download: 


Google Drive 

Asset Installer 1 Download: 


Google Drive 

Asset Installer 2 Download: 


Google Drive 

Asset Installer 3 Download: 


Google Drive 

Asset Installer 4 Download: 





Thanks Snow