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Hey kings! Poll's done.

Thank you for putting up with my shitpost options, and thank you further for voting for them too. 

Originally the poll was to determine the next two sub goals at $2500 and $3000, but seeing how close the top 3 were I decided to do all 3 winners for the $2500, $3000 and $3500 goals. 

Why, you may ask? Because just look at 3rd place. You and I both already know it would win the next poll, let's not kid ourselves.

So the results: 

1) To absolutely nobody's surprise, animations won.

Tons of people have been asking for it, and man did they do it yet again as animations got more votes than the next 3 options put together. 

So alright, alright. I get it. 

Animations are officially on the board, if we can get to $3500.

2) 2nd place went to "Cancel Out the Above Goal."

So I guess we're not doing animations.

No I'm kidding. 

Sarah will be calling you her little pogchamp or whatever if we hit $3000.

 That's a fun one that I wasn't sure would win, so I'm glad it did. 

As you can probably guess, this is a goal that will hopefully lead into something more if it proves feasible, so stay tuned.

3) 3rd place many of you probably didn't even see, as it was in the Patreon comments section. Despite that, it still pulled into 3rd place and probably would have placed even higher if Patreon let me add options to an already in progress poll. 

But anyway, Pregnancy (Your Choice!) won and will be implemented if we hit $2500!

I'll be putting up a new poll for that if we hit it and I expect you guys to either pick something good or something really, really bad. 

Either works for me, so don't let me down.

Anyway, I'll update the Patreon goals to reflect your choices right now and then it's back to Ch37 work for me. Just a few more weeks and the end of Leah's arc will be yours to enjoy!

Take care,

Story Anon




Kinda figured the girls being pregnant in the end would just be part of it naturally like in the epilogue/ending scenes anyway As far as voice acting..they kinda all already have a voice..so that could be weird... and alot of dev time and expense slowing things down Def couldn't be more excited about the future of OoT though.

Story Anon

Voice acting would have to be limited to only the most important scenes, if it's used for anything besides fun gimmicks like this.

Story Anon

They're ordered by how much effort/time/cost they'll be to implement, not popularity.


Please god, don't let Voice Like Candy destroy yet another good VN.....