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Hey guys! Hope you've had the chance to play Chapter 36!

 I'm hard at work on Chapter 37 which will be the climactic end of Leah's arc and the last update for 2022!

As most of you have experienced, the last chapter in any particular arc (15, 22, 29, etc) tends to be both extra dramatic and extra...big. And Chapter 37 is proving no different in that regard.

However, it's that time of the year when family events tend to take over for us over in America and I'll be traveling to see family for a week at the end of this month and for two weeks in December.

Because of that, I'll likely need a few more weeks to finish Chapter 37 than normal, but I'm still aiming for a December 2022 release (Probably right before I leave for my second trip.)

 I'll give you guys a more solid date when we get closer to it, but right now expect the Chapter 37 update maybe two weeks later than normal (So around the 15th).

That being said, I've got lots to show for just the last couple of weeks of work! Enjoy these deliberately confusing previews!


Story Anon




Enjoy your holiday!