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Hi guys!

[EDIT] I'm stupid and forgot to say Ch28 is coming out for Patrons on 12/22 and everyone else on the 29th. Please look forward to it!

Sorry about the late post this month, we had a little bit of a snag this week that's thankfully fixed now. But here's the project status update!

So first of all, a lot of you are probably aware that some other Koikatsu VN creators have been flagged by Patreon for breaking their Community Guidelines and yes, we got flagged for that too. 

Luckily, what they wanted fixed is pretty simple (especially by comparison to what they want changed in some other games) and overall we've gotten off really light. The fix itself took me about an hour and I'm just polishing it a bit before letting it into the wild.

So on Monday expect a new version of OoT with an updated prologue. Nothing else about the game needs to change, and even the prologue is identical for the most part. Give it a look if you're curious but if you're already caught up on OoT, you don't have to worry about anything in the story changing. 

On a better note, I'm full throttle on Ch28! And God, what a chapter it's turning into. 

This month I'm going to only be doing one update again, not because I'm running out of time but because by all accounts, this chapter is going to be gigantic. 

You're basically getting two updates worth of content in one chapter, it'll easily be the most word heavy chapter since Ch23's massive dialogue tree.

I've included a few pictures up above as a tease, if you want to see more come check out our #WIP channel on our Discord server

As far as the Android build goes, we've figured out an elegant solution for our .apk issues and are now getting into UI testing. It's been a long road but we're finally getting there. Also Snow himself has said the delay is all his fault and you should all yell at him and not me. 

Direct quote. I swear. Pinky promise.

Lastly, we're very lucky to have so many of you who are getting image requests every month and with this increase in requests, I'm trying to think of a better system for me to receive requests and keep track of them, at this rate I don't think Discord DM's alone will suffice. 

This is NOT me saying I have too many render requests, I just want to make sure I don't forget any of you guys!

Anyway, that's about it for now. As always, if you have any questions feel free to DM me here or hit me up on our Discord!

Thanks again,

Story Anon



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