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Hi guys!

Hope you all had a good Halloween! Now that spooky season is over, it's time to get warm, cozy and wholesome. The perfect time of year.

Well except for me, because as some of you already heard: We just bought our first home! And in true Seattle fashion, it's been raining every single day that I've been moving stuff over to the new place. Not so comfy, yet. 

But things have been progressing smoothly on the project so far. As you might have seen, we finally broke $1000 a month *and* 100 patrons in October! In fact, you guys have been so generous that we flew right by that goal and are well on our way to our next milestone!

As I've said before, my current Patreon goal is to get us up to $1500 by the end of 2021. With how awesome you guys have been, I think that goal is looking more and more realistic. There's not much I can do to reel in more patrons myself besides to try and deliver as much high quality content as I possibly can, so that's what I'll keep doing!

So on that topic, let's talk about this month's schedule.

This week I'll be moving my art and modeling supplies and setting up my new office. During the week of the 8th my family will be in town to help me move and just visit in general. For the week of the 22nd we'll be flying down to visit my parents for Thanksgiving.

Doesn't seem to leave much time for OoT does it? This is where I tell you life is too busy for me to have any releases this month, right?

Yeah well you're all still getting an update. A big one.

Chapter 27 will be dropping on November 18th for all $5+ Patrons and the 25th for everyone else. I don't care if I have to stay up every night to make it happen, I'm going to make it happen. 

(And yes as of the time of this post, v1.70 isn't actually publicly released yet...but still. Public release on the 4th.)

As far as December goes, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. My wife and I will likely be traveling for Christmas. 

I'm going to push for two whole updates but definitely at least one new chapter in December. Chapter 28 is the penultimate Chapter for Volume 2 and this current arc, so don't be surprised if it's both quite large and ends somewhat...abruptly. More on that when we get there.

And lastly: Android. We've made good progress on restructuring the back end to be able to load assets as needed instead of just dumping everything into memory, which is a big step in making OoT run on as many phones as possible. 

Snow had an unexpected issue in October which impacted how much got done, but things are still on track, just a little delayed.

That's about all I have for you this time! 

As always, if you have any questions, concerns or feedback my DMs are always open on here and on Discord. 

If you haven't joined our server yet, we even have a fancy custom URL now: https://discord.gg/outoftouch

And again, thank you guys for everything. We're definitely making upwards progress in every important area and it's all because of each and every one of you. We couldn't do it without you!

Thanks again,

Story Anon



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