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Hi guys!

Autumn is in full swing here and it's nothing but clouds, wind and rain here. But things are looking sunny for OoT!

If you're reading this, you've probably seen that Chapter 25 came out a few days ago! If you haven't played it yet, what are you doing here?! Go do it!

But no seriously, the 2 week release schedule is progressing nicely and will be continuing through October. Right now this month's schedule is looking like this:

Update 1 - October 14th for Patrons, Public Release on October 21st:

 v1.62.5 containing 4 events. 

-Jamie Side Arc 1

-Sarah Side Arc 1

-2 NEW character side stories!

Update 2 - October 28th for Patrons, Public Release on November 4th:

 v1.69 and Chapter 26!

We're also hoping to get a test build of the upcoming Android build out to patron testers sometime in the near future! 

We've still got a few hurdles to get through with making sure everything loads properly, but we're making good progress and will need you guys to help make sure it's perfect! More on that later.

Other than that, I'll be moving in the beginning of November! My wife and I are in the process of buying our first home and we're set to start moving in next month. It won't be a super hurried move so it hopefully won't be too stressful, but as you all know it's always a time consuming process. 

Due to that, I would probably only expect one update next month (Likely just Chapter 27), but I'll keep you posted.

That's about it for now, if I missed anything or if you have any questions my DMs are always open!

As always, this project is only possible because of you guys. No matter what may be going on in your lives, know that you matter to me. Big time.

Thanks again,

Story Anon



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