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Hey guys!

A medium sized update for you all. This is the awaited quality of life patch that we've been working on while waiting for animations. You'll notice history works better and that you now have far more pages of saves, among other wrinkles that have been smoothed over.

Oh and the Mac version should work for everybody now. We know there have been some big issues with it but it should be working fine now.

Also moreover, I finally did the soundtrack redesign now that we've acquired the licenses for some of my favorite bandcamp artists, so as of now essentially everything in the soundtrack is either original or paid licensed. I'll write more about the amazing musicians pitching in to make OoT sound as good as it does in the near future, but suffice it to say the game now sounds how I imagined it would while I was writing it.

More news in the monthly update coming soon(tm)!

(Oh and for the keen eyed of you, yes this is the same build that's been on itch and f95. If you've downloaded v1.34.5 from either of those sites, you don't need to redownload it here)

PC and Mac download: itch.io

(There's currently an issue with the most up to date Linux build. We know what the problem is and should get it sorted soon. For now, the Windows version on WINE should work.)



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