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Hey guys!

Just a little favor to ask from everyone. If you’re on any of the other Illusion game Patreons/servers then you’ve heard this a million times by now, but it’s still important!

I want to make this project the absolute best that it can be.

If you’ve been around for any of my drunkenly general-chat rants, you know this absurd endeavor has never been about the money. Every penny this game has made on Patreon and Itch so far has gone towards development costs, from the whole album worth of original music we have right now to paying Snow and the other devs for their extremely important contributions.

Would I like to be able to do this full time as my sole source of income? Absolutely.

But I also want this project to get to that point by being the best VN it can be and gaining the widespread notoriety I think it deserves.

So I’m not here to beg you for more money, instead I’m here to beg you for help with the latter. I need your help to get the word out about OoT, and it won’t cost you a cent.

*Okay stop whining Anon, what can I do to help?*

  1. Review & like the game on f95.

This won’t be a surprise to anyone, but this is where we get the vast majority of our views. Despite the uh, *brevity* of lewd scenes in the current release, our reception on f95 has been **shockingly** positive.

While our view/like count is about average for how long our game has been out, we have one of the highest average ratings of any recent release on the site, doubly so for a Koi game.

What this means is that people are generally skeptical of playing a lewd-light game on f95, but *when they do* they tend to really like it. It’s a good problem to have. The more reviews and likes we have, the more we’re going to snowball on that site. We currently have about 40 reviews, so if even 10 of you go and add a review you’ll be making a **huge** difference.

2) Rate the game on itch.io

Our original homeland, this is actually where the game launched back when it was a comic, months before I had even heard of f95 (I’m a terrible coomer, sue me).

But regardless, we do get regular traffic on itch and while the actual revenue is negligible, we’ve made some wonderful friends from there along the way.

Rating on itch is super easy, you don’t have to write anything if you don’t want to. (Currently only the page owner can read reviews, so if you DO write up a review I’ll **definitely** appreciate it but you don’t have to!) Do that and add the game to your collection and we’ll be making good progress!

3) Tell your (Discord) friends!

This sounds super generic but you know what? Well over 70% of the money for this game has come from guys introduced to the project from Discord. If you know of any recommendation channels in other servers, feel free to drop the game in there (if it hasn’t been already) and even tag me if you want. If anyone on other servers has questions about the game, let them know I’m more than happy to be pinged to answer anything they want.

4) Follow us on Twitter!

Believe it or not, there’s a large and active Koi community on Twitter and I usually simul-post most announcements and WIP shots there as well. Just like f95, follower counts snowball on Twitter and it can be a great source of exposure for the project.

5) Give me **YOUR** ideas!

No seriously, if you have any other ideas for spreading the word about the game, I’m all ears. The very idea to publish on f95 was a recommendation that was DM’d to me and that was wildly successful.

Come up with a good idea and I’ll even throw you a free commission at the very least.

As much as I’m the artist and writer, I still believe this project is inherently a group effort. We wouldn’t have gotten anywhere without each and every one of you, Patron or not.

I think the project has gotten to the point where all we need is more exposure for it to really take off. I believe in the art, story and music, we just have to get people to see it.

And that is sadly, something I can’t do alone. As much as I hate having to ask you guys for anything but your readership, this is the one thing I really do need all of your help with. I know you’ve probably already heard this kind of speech from every other server you’re on, but it’s absolutely true here.

Anyway, enough rambling. Thank you for reading this, there will be some more interesting polls up in the next few days concerning this months gravure set and what on Earth you guys want as a reward if/when we reach 100 patrons!


Story Anon



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