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Hey guys!

I had originally planned to make this post yesterday but uh, decided to give it a day for obvious reasons. 

Anyway, here's an update on what's going on with Out of Touch for the next couple of weeks.

The Unity rebuild is going well, we just had our first Vol. 1 build go out to testers and had some great feedback. A ton of bugs were inevitably found and we think we've gotten most of them. 

There'll be another round of testing this weekend and if nothing goes spectacularly wrong, there should be a Unity version of Out of Touch that goes from the prologue through Chapter 14 out on Monday.


When I wrote this I completely forgot Sunday was Easter. Rather than make people crunch over a national holiday for a silly eroge like an asshole, we're going to push back that public Unity build to Tuesday or Wednesday.


It should, for the most part, be nearly identical to what you've already played. Nothing really exciting there, but the saves from this build WILL carry over to future releases so it's a nice time to catch up without having to worry if you're missing new content.

The rest of next week will hopefully be spent getting Ch15 and the gameplay there wrapped up and tested. Then if all goes well (knock on wood, hope to God) we should be able to have a new build the following Monday containing the entirety of the game through Chapter 20.

From there, we should be able to slam out a Mac compatible build and then start on our long awaited, long delayed Android build. Yes you very, very patient Android players have not been forgotten and jumping from 0.93 to 1.34 will be like playing an entirely different game. Hopefully for the better.

As far as future developments go, I have all the art for Ch21 completed and am wrapping up the script for it right now. Then it's onto Ch22 which is the climax of this arc and is looking to be the longest single segment of the game yet, including the prologue. 

As always, please look forward to it and thank you for all of your support!


Story Anon.



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