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Out of Touch! Vol. 1/2 Beta Version 1.07  

Here's your Monday update!  

1.07 changelog:  -Ch.16 is out! The much talked about Volume 2 has begun with over 400 new renders and new music!

  -A new, optional "Previously on Out of Touch!" segment has been added after the Vol. 1 credits for returning readers who need a bit of a refresher for Vol. 2. Not really. 

 -The biggest wave of typo and bug fixes that this series has seen. An absolutely HUGE thank you to everyone who has been leaving bug reports and typo screenshots. 

Each of you are invaluable and your dedication to this silly project is genuinely inspiring. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!  

Notable fixes: 

Missing Cro'dhearg and trying to heal won't throw an exception anymore. 

Cro'dhearg won't use her AOE when she shouldn't and cause a softlock. The "Insert Jump Here" transition at the end of the sequence has been taken out back and shot. Again.  

Known Issues: So the Auto button actually works, the button itself just doesn't reflect that. It is currently undergoing therapy and will reconcile with it's friends soon. Animations are still more jittery than wanted, optimization will continue on this for the foreseeable future.  

Download links: PC: https://mega.nz/file/1YxllaCS#WkaU6y59x0xMLorRqmQJ3WyVilfpRkiHRshThY0namw

Mac: https://mega.nz/file/YcQlSISA#BQuqDAmMiUWk654kRwQvfuTYiufL4LBXcQhagROVxm0



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