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Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Commentary Track
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📍 Los Angeles, CA





omg i could cry, i had a feeling

Daniela Culver

Percy Jackson then maybe Pirates of the Caribbean series? I rewatched the trilogy recently and it has no reason to be as good as it is plus the practical effects are an *Eric's chef kiss* 🤌

Drew B

Well time to rewatch it! You spoil us Eric haha


So weird i was just bouta start reading these for the first time


Thank god ur doing this with someone who hasn’t seen it cause the book people are so unnecessarily harsh to this movie because it’s literally a Stephen king Stanley Kubrick situation and the author was way too personally offended that things were changed despite it serving the adaptation


Really wish you had done these the other way around. The movies are ok movies, but they are such bad book adaptations. So far the show has been doing the story much better.


SO exciting!!! Just got this notification cause my phone hates me. As someone who read the books growing up, this movie is a guilty pleasure of mine despite it not being a very good adaptation lol. And I'm so excited for the series!! I'm loving it so far.


hoping this means we’ll get a commentary track on the show, if you guys haven’t already watched it yet!


FINE i'll learn what percy jackson is all about after successfully avoiding it for so long

Drew B

I mean on the bright side, the movie deviates so much from the books that not much will be spoiled for them 😂

Dystopian Wolf Studios

I could feel this in my bone for the last 3 weeks, but thought it would be the show lmao


i too have never seen any of this or read the books


That’s true, and I wanna say I wasn’t trying to be too harsh on the movies. I understand why people enjoy them. My opinion is colored by being a guy who read the 1st book when he was 12, so for me the show has been a fun nostalgia-fest, where as the movies were just pretty disappointing adaptations with a few cool scenes.


NO WAYYY i was hoping for thiss

Jack Guidera

My eyes jumped out of my head when I read "Pumpin Juice" lol. Verrrry different from pumpkin juice 👀💦

joe shmoe

look im not going to get into detail but all you need to know is in the book someone challenges Ares to a duel. that automatically makes the book better than the movie tbh because stories are better when humans try to attack gods