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At some point we might see two Jugheads.

Well it turns out that the first and last episodes of each season of Riverdale just weren't enough. We asked YOU which bonus episodes we should watch, and now Jake, Mike, and I are gonna find out what you've decided to put us through...

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Ashley Lynne Evans

Riverdale aside, I strongly encourage you to give Heathers the Musical a chance. Carrie is suuuper niche, but Heathers is pretty universally loved in the musical theatre community. It’s easily in my Top 10 - it’s funny, it’s intense, and it’s honestly full of bangers. If you can’t find a professional production to watch, there are some decent slime tutorials out there, or at least listen to the soundtrack!

Wyatt P.

If you ever decided to do the first and last eps of shows again you gotta do The Flash or Legends of Tomorrow. Perfect series for this format

Kayla Foley

They put plot in the musical episodes, it’s not voters’ fault 🥲