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Let's hear it for the teens!

Basically like The Boys season 3.5, this spinoff series Gen V takes place in college and BOY did we need this! Don't get me & Miles wrong, The Boys is great, but it's gotten a bit more involved and serious and we miss the fun. You know, fun! Like murdering your family! I mean, it is still The Boys after all...

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golden boy is arnold schwarzeneggers son!

Dystopian Wolf Studios

When I remembered this was the Tek-Knight episode, I went "Oooh." Don't look up which comics Gen V is based off. You're gonna have a bad time, and not even in a spoiler way

Melissa McCauley

now i gotta wait until you put out ep5?!?!?! asjdkfakjsgdf;kj!! im loving these tracks though so its worth it

Arman Khan

love these tracks, really disappointed with how the final couple episodes played out, but enjoyed it overall


not sure if you guys have noticed, but jordan's powers actually change depending on their gender. their male form is indestructible and their female form has energy blasts and superhuman agility!


yeah tek knight literally just has a fetish for holes lol


yeah they never make it super obvious, but it’s a pretty smart way to actually make it necessary for them to switch between the two forms during fights

James No Last Name

Well technically this is based on the Gmen storyline which was a xmen parody. Though it was nothing close to what the show did. This is so much better than that arc in the comics


i'm new to the patreon, is there a specific time the tracks are uploaded on mondays?