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We've got lots of movie tracks recorded right now, so I'm leaving the release order up to you. The poll options would work as follows:

Option 1 - very standard.
Baby Geniuses 2 this Friday (last BG movie we've recorded so far), then two separate standalone collabs on 4/28 & 5/5, and a new movie series starting 5/12

Option 2 - take a break from Baby Geniuses...
Separate standalone collabs this Friday and next Friday, then back to Baby Geniuses 2 on 5/5, and a new movie series starting 5/12

Option 3 - shake it ALL up!!!
First movie in a new series this Friday, then standalone collab on 4/28, Baby Geniuses 2 on 5/5, and continuing to alternate between Baby Geniuses sequels, standalone collabs, and new movie series through June

Me personally? I think Option 3 is fun but I understand if you don't want to have to wait between tracks in a series, be it Baby Geniuses or the new one we're starting. That's why I'm leaving it up to you!

Decide your fate... NOW!



which ever one has miles

Luis Laboy

I love the movies series audio tracks cuz it brings up my Letterboxd Stats real fast and opens my eyes to Series I missed out on.


Looks like everyone wants it to be a mix up which is most fun imo

Arman Khan

i like to imagine someone beating the living daylights out of me while they ask me this question over & over again


Ah, sweet chaos.