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Is this his second family...?

Scott Cramer is back for another DCOM classic! This time it's The Other Me, which I remember thinking was incredible of course haven't seen since I was a child. Does it hold up?! And how bout that DANCE SCENE...

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This is my favorite Disney movie I'm so excited!!!

Harley Fonseca

This movie and The Thirteenth Year were my OBSESSION as a kid!! Been having some very exhausting weeks of work, so this will be a treat!

Noe Ramirez

It’s crazy I could not remember what this was until I saw that kid and immediately I remembered this movie. So much fun revisiting this.


15 mins in and im cry laughing at this movie bc the kid gave the clone a towel to cover up and a minute before they fully showed the clone wearing jeans

Ashley Lynne Evans

I remember the title but did not see this movie as a kid because we didn't have cable, so I only saw the DCOMS that were available at my local Blockbuster. But this was highly entertaining to watch for the first time today! If you guys do marathon a bunch of DCOMS, I definitely vote for Smart House, because that was my favorite one.

Arman Khan

Love that "oh my Gott" is burned into Scott's brain as well. "I need this to be three things: funny, sexy, and REAL funny."


this was an accademy award level film to me as a child


I loved this movie as a kid! It always bugged me that Twoie was skinnier than Will for some reason.

Morgan Peters

how does this dad have time to have two families AND run a successful country club? he's incredible

Rei Zak

I remembered so much of this movie! Crazy how I just had it in the brain storage until just a couple of clips brought it all back.