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If I die, at least I'm recording!

There are lot of folks who shouldn't be alive by the end of Scream 6, and frankly I'm one of em! I watched this latest installment at an Austin, TX drive-in when an absolutely insane storm rolled in out of nowhere and forced them to stop the movie in the middle. I picked back up again a week later at an LA drive-in and thankfully was able to finish in peace.

It would have been more appropriate to watch at an NYC drive-in though, because that's where our heroes and villains have all moved to. This time Ghostface is killing people in bodegas, in subways, and even on top of the Statue of Liberty! Okay maybe one of those is a lie... but you'll have to watch to find out.

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Since you said you haven’t seen any of her films, I highly recommend the movie Ready or Not with Samara Weaving, one of the best horror-comedies in recent years, which was actually directed by the guys who did Scream 5&6:)PS Radio Silence isn’t from YouTube, that’s just what the trio of Matt Bettelini-Oplin, Tyler Gillette and Chad Vilella (the directors and producer) call themselves.


For me, the order goes 1,6,4,5,2,3. I personally love that so many people survived the end because that’s the whole point of Scream, that it’s not about the killers, it’s about the survivors learning to move past their trauma and survive, and now they have each other to help them along with that. I personally don’t think we need Sid back at all, because the themes are universal enough for the new characters and future characters to continue, and I like knowing that Sid survived and is happy.

Tyler Werner

That lightning was wild though

Struan Robertson

next movie its a ghostface vs. ghostface. sam has to put on the mask as a vigilante ghostface to stop the real killer

natey boi

ty for not dying in the storm eric ❤️❤️❤️

Lex LaVey

You got more footage after that “Holy shit!”?🤣

Jordan Jackson

Had so much fun watching this one along with you!!


My scream ranking is 4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 3. 4 was just so fucking good.


can i watch along in a theater or are there sync issues ?

Sarah Gonzales

It’s neat that Dermot Mulroney was also in Insidious 3 with a daughter named Quinn!

Erin Sullivan

right there with you on wanting scream to finally follow ghostface for an entire installment - got really excited that we were gonna know tony revolori was one of the ghosties from the jump just for him to only last a few more minutes lmaoo 😭


maybe im too excited for s6 but after first watch my order is 6, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3


Great commentary, glad you’re okay after that crazy storm!! My ranking is 1,6,5,4,2,3. I adored 6 personally, I felt Radio Silence really came into their own with this one and were able to make it feel different and fresh while still being Scream and paying homage to the originals. Also, I’m surprised you didn’t freak out over Ghostface being unmasked so early, that’s what you said you always wanted!!😂😂


but i want the killer to REALLY be unmasked, like THE killer! still a cool scene tho ofc

Kaitlyn Dvorak

This was so fun, really beat my expectations

Lacie Matlock

This is the only commentary that you moved different states during but during Mystery Incorporated you did move spots down the road during the street sweeping while recording!

Dystopian Wolf Studios

3rd time watching this comm. Still annoyed that Dr. Stone wasn't related to Steven Stone from Scream 3


“Richie’s film is definitely a new thing, i don’t have to go back to the power point” 💀


SPOILERS* everyone surviving is so wack. Fun movie but probably ties with the third one as one of the worst imo. Also feels like the same narrative from the second movie lmao just kinda lazy


*Spoilers* :) I really liked this Installment! I love Scream and this Franchise is just so special and you can really tell the actors wanted to be there and were enjoying making this movie! And now I'm so Nervous seeing that they wont have Mellissa Barrera or Jenna Ortega return in the next movie! But even if the Franchise ended here I'd be happy. Thank you for this amazing track! <3

Mel Sandoval

would you ever consider watching the scream tv series? i was obsessed with it when it was airing but im not sure how the die hard fans of the movies feel about it