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Hats and solo cups at the ready!

Daddy's home in season 3 of Outer Banks! That's right, it turns out that John B's missing dad is not only alive and well, but still hunting treasure. Like father, like pogue!

My sister Jill is back for one of our absolute favorite series, and the best part?? This is the first season of Outer Banks that we can watch comfortably knowing it isn't the last! You can't kill a pogue!!!

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Dystopian Wolf Studios

If he found his dad this episode, his dad would for sure have to die before he meets up with his friends again :/

Arman Khan

somebody actually said something about being an ANTIQUITIES dealer this episode, if you can believe it. also love that Eric refrained from asking Jillian whether she thought anybody ever boned while listening to their comm tracks

Jessie Gideon

so hyped to watch another season of obx with y’all! are we getting the next tracks on monday? (:


Eric I’ll pay you 3k for all the tracks right now.

Drew Newlin

The elevator scene is the "girls get it done" moment of OBX


it actually would be very kook of him if he did take the money...wouldnt it?