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Your mission, should you choose to accept it... is to watch all of the Mission Impossible movies for the first time!

That's right, this is my first time watching Mission Impossible. Like, any of them. I have somehow never seen a single one. But that's about to change as I marathon all six leading up to the two-part finale of Ethan Hunt's sneaky sexy little adventures.

This commentary track will self destruct in 5... 4... 3... 2... 💥

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i like this movie a lot less than most people, but im excited for your reaction


jumping out of the plane was real, filmed in UAE. they just did CG for the storm and paris on the ground. :) https://youtu.be/zS9c7JTICh4


he also learned how to fly a helicopter to do the stunts because pilots were like nah thats mad dangerous no thanks

Jim Night

Thanks for the excuse to watch these again


Not sure if you ever found out but in the scene where he’s running on rooftops Tom Cruise actually broke his ankle on one of the jumps!

Joseph Blankenship

Loved watching these again with you. I'm so happy you got to watch and enjoy them for the first time, it makes me happy watching you freak out and enjoy them so much. My ranking order is pretty close to yours: 6, 1(I still really love the first one and it's still a special place as that's where I started 10 years ago, tough but it does beat out 3 for me for that reason), 3, 4, 5, 2(the only one I only watched once until these commentaries and the only one I don't own on blu-ray). Such a fun journey leading up to the new one this Friday.

albert glowacki

I guess I’m not waking up early tomorrow