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Your mission, should you choose to accept it... is to watch all of the Mission Impossible movies for the first time!

That's right, this is my first time watching Mission Impossible. Like, any of them. I have somehow never seen a single one. But that's about to change as I marathon all six leading up to the two-part finale of Ethan Hunt's sneaky sexy little adventures.

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this movie came out before the first Transformers movie,which explains the color filters and the adrenaline editing,the mid 2000’s was the era of high energy blockbusters like Jason Bourne,Star Trek and Pirates 3,also when Laurence Fishburne said it’s Ethan Hunt,I made a joke saying it’s Jason Bourne lol


when Ethan hunt was sliding on the building it gave me Jackie Chan Who am I vibes,it made me nervous with anxiety

Noe Ramirez

I didn't start watching these until the 4th one, that was fantastic! Can't wait to see your reaction to the next ones! They're a blast.


What’s funny about you talking about how much it looks like Saw is the actress that plays Davien’s translator that he puts the Michelle Monaghan mask on is the same actress that played the nurse in Saw 3 that same year lol

Tyler Werner

That smile Philip Seymour Hoffman gives when Tom is first putting on his face made me tear up. I'm glad you mentioned it made you sad too.


Jonathan Rhys Meyers plays the dad in City of Bones xD

Arman Zaidi

this is my favorite franchise and I am so glad you are doing tracks on em!

Carmen Elizabeth Juanita Costa-Brava Cortez

This one was somehow even better than I remembered, if that's possible! I'm glad you mentioned the colors, because this movie was gorgeous. This is what I mean when I say I love cinema. In the words of Harry Styles: "My favorite thing about the movie is that it feels like a movie." 😆😆

April Samber

When they tell Philip Seymour Hoffman “you’re already dead, there are witnesses” they are talking about how everyone saw him get into the orange sports car and then explode.

Connor jamieson

its really easy to make this my favorite mission impossible simply because Philip seymour Hoffman is quite possibly the greatest actor to ever breath air.


I’m gonna be re-watching this watch along all the time now just as an excuse to watch mission impossible 3 with someone else, it’s legitimately one of my favorite movies ever and my favorite in the franchise.