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Your mission, should you choose to accept it... is to watch all of the Mission Impossible movies for the first time!

That's right, this is my first time watching Mission Impossible. Like, any of them. I have somehow never seen a single one. But that's about to change as I marathon all six leading up to the two-part finale of Ethan Hunt's sneaky sexy little adventures.

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The 906

I either enjoy or love all the mission impossible movies EXCEPT this one. I legit turned it off after that car crash scene so this is my first time fully watching it. Don't know WHAT the hell happened here... I can promise it gets better and better from here. But jesus christ, this one is ASS

The 906

don't let anyone tell you otherwise. There are some people who really enjoy it and I don't get it.


an 1hr and 2mins in you learn the main actresses name, Nyah, this movie is a sham , it took 50 mins for something to barely happen.


eric you are hearing things , my subtitles said something else XD, trust me I would've noticed tigers too


Go tigers , I’m hoping tigers is actually mentioned somewhere in this series now 😂


wow! this movie actually sucks XD. I can't wait for SIMON PEGG!