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Clavicle Mavicle Moonshroud lookin ass...

When I read The Halloween Tree recently (for the PMI Book Club) I didn't know what to expect, and I still don't really know what I got. Very weird story that seemingly goes nowhere. Is this a classic I missed out on? Am I insane for not loving it?!

They also turned it into a movie, which I decided to watch at like 4:00 in the morning after a night out drinking. Hopefully this track turned out more treat than trick!

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This movie felt like an hour long super cut of boring expositional scooby doo scenes. Smooth work on the power nap when the old guy explained the Halloween thing, don't think anyone noticed 🙏

Katie Holmes

your eyes being closed 80% of the time but still being able to follow along is incredible


"it's not that it's bad, i just don't understand or care."


How did you rent a theater for When Good Ghouls Go Bad? Every theater near me has a rental service but you can only choose from the handful of movies on the site.


More drunk Eric please!!