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Ma Eywa, Ma Eywa, Ma Eywa…

If you’ve never seen Avatar then you must be living under a rock, and I ain’t talking floating rocks hunny! In anticipation for its long-awaited sequel, we decided to revisit the highest-grossing movie of all time to see how well it holds up.

Zach is back for another theme park-adjacent commentary track. If you’ve never felt an Ikran breathe between your legs at Disney World’s Pandora, then you haven’t lived!

Ready for another commentary track? Browse the full library!



“Making Soy Sauce out of nothing” has stuck with me more than I’m proud to admit.


Also pretty sure the extended version has a sex scene where they use their hair for intercourse.


NO WAY omg


the first and only time i've seen this movie was in theaters at the age of 10. im so glad my second viewing gets to be with you guys, 13 years later

Katie Holmes

if you're gonna make a bit in the highlight video that they don't know he's human i'm going to save you from hundreds of comments yelling at you but they do know he's human and is using an avatar. grace (sigourney) was there before and basically taught them english and where she's from the only reason they allowed jake into their tribe basically is because he said he wasn't a scientist but a warrior so i guess they wanted to know more about that from the sky people lmao. the reason that one guy called him a demon in a body is because right before he was claiming he was one of them (even though they all knew he was a sky person) and him calling him a demon was to remind everyone exactly what he is aka not actually one of them. i believe the real reason neytiri is upset with him isn't because he lied that he was a sky person but that he lied about knowing that they were going to tear down their home tree. ALSO the whole banshee thing at the end when he comes on the big one and they're all like kneeling before him i guess in their "lore" the person who rides that giant banshee is like the One True Warrior who like is very very important...that's why they all forgive him in the end. and finally when they bring his body and avatar together nothing happened to his body but he just wanted to be fully na'vi and now his human body is no more. i've only watched this earlier this year lmao and just now again so i don't know much about the whole history and lore of the na'vi but i believe that is what's going on. i can just imagine the comments on the video calling y'all dumb for not picking up on any of the scenes where they explain everything lmao


The actress Zach is thinking of is Kate Winslet! She set a record for longest on film breath hold while filming the avatar sequel.

Clarke Ainsley

"The new movie's not gonna be this long, right?" Welllllllllllllllllllll........

Toast Knight

Today I learned that the major antagonistic Na'vi is Mother's Milk and I can't unhear it.


Well gee if you keep saying I never watched Mando,why don’t you watch it instead of saying it,you be surprised,cuz everyone has seen it and me too,someone saying I’ll never watch Mando really annoys and irritates me,you know there’s practical effects in tha show


I watch this movie so many times,that I quote it from time to time it became memes,Avatar came out the same year as Transformers 2, 2009 was a crazy year for action movies to make money and I love Transformers 2,the fight scene at the end of Avatar was short between Jake and Stephen lang,which gets me hype for the next movie Avatar 2:way of water


Avatar 2: The Way of Water is 3 hours and 10 minutes


i'd accidentally put on the extended version at first but from what i saw there was some stuff right at the start with a scruffier looking jake in a futuristic city, him getting in a fight in a bar, getting thrown out said bar, and his wheelchair being thrown at him

Eric Hutchison

If you ever go back and watch this movie you should watch the extended cut. It's only about 16 more minutes of footage. There's a part in the beginning with Jake on earth which isn't super interesting, but there's a lot of little additions that are nice and completely new scenes that give better context to a lot of things. It was the first edition I watched, and after watching the normal cut with the commentary track I can say that I prefer the extended cut better.