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Freakers unite!

Back in the day, one of my favorite shows was a Canadian series that aired on Fox Family Channel called Big Wolf on Campus. As with most things from childhood, it's hard to remember if it was legitimately good or if I was just a dumbass kid.

My sister Jillian joins me to revisit this classic and find out whether or not Big Wolf was actually good, as well as how many long forgotten memories it can pull out from the dark recesses of our minds...

Note: We watched season 1 in the official Striffler Order, which will be explained throughout the tracks. The episode that this track syncs up with is called Butch Comes to Shove.

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honestly I think teen wolf (series) is the closet you can get to big wolf on campus in terms of cheesiness the first season doesn't really take itself too serious and is campy in a fun way.


ok this is exactly the kind of kooky shit I feel like watching these days. These are so fun, I might just be a Big Wolf on Campus convert

Arman Khan

may encore+ rest in peace :/ lost but never forgotten