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Please keep your arms, legs, and tails inside the vehicle at all times!

Zach and I are at the drive-in for Jurassic World: Dominion and we're hoping for the best but expecting the worst. The original cast is back, so that's cool right? Right???

Look, if you're into anything BUT dinosaurs, you're gonna have a blast.

Also this was my first drive-in recording with a friend and my worst nightmare happened. You'll see what I mean when you dive into the track...

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holland rainwater

“it’s dern o’clock somewhere” made me laugh out loud in my packed theater


In regards to the question of the use of "rex" in T. rex: "rex" is Latin for "king" and the Latin name for T. rex translates to "Tyrant Lizard King"

David Sayan

I went to this movie after drinking and it was a lot more enjoyable that way

David Sayan

BTW the code Ian Malcolm used is 7615, for the director Colin Trevorrow (born in 1976) and the first Jurassic World movie (released in 2015). Did it really need the music tho?

Maria Harrington

Got to say just got out of the theater and it was awful I almost fell asleep multiple times the only reason why I didn’t was because I was listening to y’all. There were points I was more interested in watching y’all than the movie lol happy to watch you watch in theaters yet again though.


Had the guy sitting next to my boyfriend and I fall asleep, started full on snoring LOL. Ill give them credit, the Therizinosaurus looked super cool I like how they depicted herbivores as being pretty freaky. Still wanted to leave the movie halfway through though, total waste of money :/


The funny thing is that most of the dinosaurs in the movie are real dinosaurs


The scene with Claire in the tree with the deer looked like a Twilight deleted scene.

DistressedDamsel79 .

The beginning of the video reminded me when I saw this movie in theaters, except I specifically bought tickets for a showing with open captions. My dad is hard of hearing so it was perfect! They had a closed captioning option, but that seemed tedious; you have to read it off a device. I knew he wouldn't enjoy that experience.