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More like Silly Bobby Brown!

Miles & I have been eagerly anticipating season 4 of Stranger Things, but we must admit our jaws dropped when we saw the episode runtimes. I'm sorry, the finale is two and a half hours?! What exactly are the Duff's smoking out there in the upside down???

All of our favorite characters are back, as well as Noah Schnapp, so hopefully these long ass episodes are worth it...

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Someone in the show said "are you insane?" and Eric turned into Reggie from the Orlando Mummy ride and said "are you insane? Get out of here! The Curse, It's Real!"


I cried like a little baby boy, idk why the music was so good for Max's scene holy shit. The way she grasped Lucas killed me.


Will the last 3 episodes be dropping next friday?


i feel like you guys need to know that will is gay for mike


this isnt a spoiler or anything its in the first episode

Matthew Innello

In the movie shop/hq a Freddy Kruger cardboard cut out is in the back. Cause the monster theme for this season is mainly paying tribute to a nightmare on elm street.


cant believe u guys havent figured out yet that will is gay and has a crush on mike because u guys wont stop talking about his wig every time he shows up lmaooooo




ahh no fair enough i just meant that most of their interactions come off that way (im 90% sure it's a one sided thing too. which breaks my heart because will can never catch a break lmao)


you never catch on? oh, it’s going to annoy me so much lol.


Okay, it’s Monday and I’m readyyyy! 🧟‍♂️

Jacob Speckhard

am i the only one who just can't sync up the track to the show for the life of me 😭 im so bad at it

Chowder Report

Love the universal mummy ride reference

Kurtis Hicks

Best episode in the entire series especially when re-watched and Eleven isnt even in it. The Hawkins Upside down stuff will always be the driving force

Thomas Gentile

Is there any way to download these so I can do Picture in Picture with Netflix on fullscreen? Or is it purposefully done this way because we're not supposed to download them?

Harley Fonseca

Yeah, so not only have I rewatched this episode like 10 times already and it’s for sure by far my favorite episode this entire series, but it meant so much to me personally since “Running Up That Hill” has been one of my all time favorite songs since I was a kid. Duh, of course I cried like everyone else lol and just because I wanted to keep Ruth in it…think about it, Eric… ”R.U.T.H” WOWWWWW 😭😭💗💗

Lina Mellbo Cedermyr

Steve going "I could have taken you out with this lamp", is one of the funniest things I've ever heard xD Mike has been a shitty character for me since season 3, and honestly I wouldn't have been upset if he got offed when they stormed the house. Obviously they wouldn't do that because he's a main character, but still.

Arielle Elaina Fike

Kate Bush originally intended it to mean literally trading places with her husband or male partner so they could each see what life what like through each other’s eye so they could understand each other better. Mostly I think for like a gender thing, how it’s like in the world for the other. But also to have a more connected relationship with true understanding of the other. But art is for everyone to interpret how they will.