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Please keep your arms, legs, and tails inside the vehicle at all times!

Zach and I are at the drive-in for Jurassic World: Dominion and we're hoping for the best but expecting the worst. The original cast is back, so that's cool right? Right???

Look, if you're into anything BUT dinosaurs, you're gonna have a blast.

Also this was my first drive-in recording with a friend and my worst nightmare happened. You'll see what I mean when you dive into the track...

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Cydney Collins

I don't know if this was mentioned in the commentary track, but the main villain in this movie is the same guy that gives Nedry the barbasol can at the beginning of Jurassic Park. And there's nothing that has ever made me so mad in cinematic history.


It’s so weird that your drive in paused for a few minutes and had subtitles, mine did too when I saw it over the summer. It would be so weird to be at the drive in and seeing you recording in the van next to me hahaha.