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Decided to watch this to prepare for watching the Percy Jackson show with you guys next week since this is the kid that is playing Percy. I lost my dad at 11 years old so I teared up a bit too. Fun movie, Nothing remarkable but made me feel like a kid again for some reason.


this one was actually kinda refreshing, obviously not amazing or anything but still really enjoyable for this kinda movie. (i also cried like a dumb baby 😭)


Happy Birthday Eric! Just wanted to say we share the same birthday and that is truly an honor LMAO seriously though, been watching PMI for the past few years now and your jokes and videos have helped me get through the toughest times in my life, so thank you. Excited to watch this one. That's enough sap, GO TIGERS!!!

Katie Holmes

i think the soldiers couldn't interact while invisible meaning they had to become visible in order to like hit ryan reynolds and shoot people

Kaitlyn Dvorak

Happy birthday! 🎁🎂🎉 This was such a delightful experience tbh I loved how easy going it was


A fun movie and surprisingly sweet! I teared up too lmao


I always save the best choccy milk for last

Matty Turtle

lost my dad as a teen so sad dad scenes are my kryptonite lol


if ur insane I am in psychosis rn bc I am sobbing


Oh I definitely teared up at parts of this movie too! I agree that the acting and directing elevated the script.