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Now that we're halfway through, how we feelin about this series?!

Station Eleven S1E5
Commentary Track
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Station Eleven S1E6
Commentary Track
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📍 Long Island, NY





I'm enjoying it! Like you I'm far more interested in the events from the past. Episode 1 blew me away in large part thanks to Himesh and Matilda's performances so I was hoping for more gripping apocalyptic stuff. I found the huge time jump into a fantasy genre of sorts a little jarring but it's still fun.

Abby Mason

Bless you, Eric

Meg Maddox

I really really want to continue watching this series as I love love love Patrick Somerville. If this show is anything like his work on Maniac, it’s a show that’s better the second or third time you watch because he’s so detail oriented and phenomenal when it comes to crafting a story and putting meaning into nearly every set piece and patterns with dialogue. However, I have pretty bad emetephobia and I’ve only made it half-past the first episode because I’m terrified that there’s vomit scenes in the coming episodes. I paused when I heard Eric say he thought Jeevan was going to vomit in the grocery. I wasn’t able to find anything in emetephobia forums on this show since it’s relatively new. If anyone up to speed on the show can provide me with any information about particular episodes that contain vomit (if you have time stamps, you’re a god) that would be amazing. I don’t care if you spoil a little bit of what happens before a character gets sick, anything helps! Thanks in advance if anyone can provide any warnings for any episodes in the show!

Joe Hewitt

I don't know if you found out for yourself, but from what I can remember there isn't really anything in the way of vomit so you should be pretty safe to watch. The only scene that I can think of with vomit is in ep 6 around the 30 minute mark. Happy watching!

Meg Maddox

@Joe Hewitt Thank you so much for this warning, I truly appreciate it! I haven’t been able to find warnings elsewhere so this is so helpful!