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If a theatre troupe puts on a play but everyone is fucking dead, does it make a sound?

I've had a coupla friends tell me to check out this new series Station Eleven, and just a few seconds into the first episode I knew why. Feels like it was made specifically for me! I love love LOVE it and can't wait to see more!!!

Then one of those friends told me the first episode is nothing like the rest of em.


Welp, turns out Shakespeare is like a cockroach and not even an apocalypse can kill him. No idea what the hell I'm talking about? Watch the dang show, yo!

And no, you don't have to be caught up Station One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, or Ten to watch this with me 🥰

PS. The Watch Us Watch for the first episode is available in the $10 "MORE OF IT" tier, and the rest are available in the $15 "ALL OF IT" tier. Enjoy!

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I had no idea what this show was gonna be about. The cuts to post apocalyptic shots look so sick, excited to see where this goes, also loving the Ruth content.


HI! about the panic attack thing, you mentioned his sister moved on fast to another topic but I think that was her trying to help his panic attack. She could probably tell he was panicking and she was redirecting him to something lighter, something familiar to take a piece of his mind of the panic. He then didn't have a panic attack in the grocery store because he saw the yoohoo and he remembered the story and his sister and it calmed him. I immediately assumed that's what she was doing because that has helped me!👍🏻


I love watching solo tracks bc it feels like you're my inner monologue reacting to things aloud

Olivia Kurima

I read the book this series is based on a few years ago and loved the book so I was a little nervous when I heard they were adapting it but so far I really like it and don't mind the changes they made to the story to adapt it to TV. Hope you keep watching it since it gets even crazier. Also watching this from North Carolina as well!

My name is very fucking Tom Cruised!

Always love an excuse to start some random show that nobody is talking about. It's either gonna be a hidden gem or a piece of stool. Fingers crossed its the latter!


hey thanks for asking about panic attacks! the biggest things that help me are focusing on my breathing and keeping my mind off of it (just like what siya did). i was alone when i had my most recent panic attack, but focusing on my breathing helped calm me down. if someone was with me and didnt know what to do, i'd ask them to start talking about anything -- like tell me about your favorite song, food, what you did this weekend, whatever... just anything to keep my mind off of my panic attack bc my mind is already so loud and i want to recenter myself before it gets worse, if that makes sense

Alec Figueroa

i feel like eric always puts me on to weird shit i've never heard of (coherence, i origins) and I love it. this editing and non-linear narrative got me intrigued

Grayson Sydney

I love the most realistic part of this episode is that $10K only bought Jeevan like 6 carts of food.

Stephanie Vidal

Leander is the dad from old i just realized

April Samber

If it counts, I prefer the youtube links, it's easier to watch on my phone, which is kinda how I do the whole watching two things at once thing.

April Samber

Could maybe do both, have a link for us youtube lovers and keep doing the embedded thing too?


oh yeah ofc, but we're beta testing for patreon and the goal would be for their native video player to be as good as the youtube player! i just sent them all the notes i've been taking for the past two months based on my experience and patrons experiences, so we'll see what they can make happen

April Samber

That makes sense, hopefully we'll see some updates soon! Thanks for trying to make change happen, I know their podcasts used to be impossible and they've updated that over time, now this, just let me turn my phone sideways! Come on Patreon, you can do it!

Meg Maddox

I was going to watch this because Patrick Somerville (The Leftovers and MANIAC) is a creator on it and now I’m definitely watching it with these tracks.


Hmm weird i’ve never experienced problems with this player so i feel like somethings up with mine cuz i’ve seen a lot of people with similar issues, but at least on iphone i’ve always been able to turn my phone or skip without issue, if that’s any help

Meg Maddox

I made it through the first episode! Btw in the credits you mentioned Nick Cuse sounding familiar; both he and Patrick Somerville worked on The Leftovers seasons 2 and 3 as writers. Nick Cuse and Patrick Somerville collabed again in 2018 to create Maniac, which Dan Romer wrote the score for. Romer has also done a ton of other fantastic scores for shows and movies, he’s great.