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Recorded in 2016

2021 Update
This old commentary track has been edited and re-released. For a few years we went through a sort of "anti-PC" phase and used hurtful language in an attempt to be edgy, but in reality it was just shitty. We can now assure you that this track is safe for all to enjoy!


Hot Bot 2016




another hidden gem XD


This became my new favorite track 😭😭 I’ve watched it 6 times already 💀 the Larry miller bedroom scene is gold 😂😂 “imma do what my dad never did to me” “now imma do what he use to do to me” 😭😭💀


Oh My GAWWWD, That red head kid is A Aron from key and peele !

Dystopian Wolf Studios

I groan after watching a bad trailer, but put it on anyway. An hour an a half later, I stand from my chair. and clap. A single tear runs down my cheek.