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It's finally time for the twerk-a-long you've all been waiting for.

We've literally been planning this for almost two years. Before the pandemic kicked into high gear last March, we were excited to watch this one onstage some time in 2020. Those hopes were, of course, dashed.

But now, live in Los Angeles, Miles & Matt joined me to finally twerk along to Mamma Mia!

This movie is absolutely insane. Miles & Matt had seen it years ago, but I went in completely blind other than knowing some lyrics to a bunch of ABBA songs. Meryl is Mamma? Amanda Seyfried is Mia?? James Bond is Pappa Pia???

We sang, we twerked, we ground.

Ready for another commentary track? Browse the full library!


Olivia Kurima

"When is Dua Lipa going to be in a movie" Well Eric do I have news for you

Kayla Foley

Patreon player still does this, and when it resets all the way back to the beginning it doesn’t let you scrub to go back to where you were- the playback bar is unresponsive & frozen at the timestamp it had when it reloaded. Only Pause & Play work after that. Granted I have an old-ass phone, so hopefully other ppl aren’t experiencing it!

Kayla Foley

2nd watch right after watching the Mamma 2 track and it’s hilarious that NONE of the young dude versions look or dress anything like how they’re outfitted in this! They all look the fuckin same, I couldn’t keep track of who’d pumped her or not 😭

Regina Phalange

Now that you mention it, why WASN'T Amanda Seyfried's character named Mia?


I have a feeling Eric will enjoy Mama Mia 2 only cuz of the THICCNESS if anyone knows what i'm talking about lmao.

Maya Willson

so beyond excited to watch this

My name is very fucking Tom Cruised!

Can someone explain the significance this movie has to PMI? It’s nothing special and tbh kinda meh. Why have people been wanting Eric to do this track? Cheers!


The significance for us is just bc we’ve referenced it a lot in our musical tracks (Amanda Seyfried, “My my, how can I RESISTANCE”, etc) and then I forget how it picked up steam in the discord but it may have just been how long it was taking for us to get to it (we kept it secret that we planned to do it live, so nobody knew why we weren't getting to it)

natey boi



I’m going to cry I’m so happy


This is an actual dream come true!!

Elaine Willemstein

the mics not picking up most of the audience noises makes this infinitely funnier

Sam Davey

I was at this show! So much fun!


oh yeah we don't want to pick up the audience in our own mics, they work surprisingly well only picking up our commentary (mostly). we actually have a separate mic pointed at the audience that i edit in where it's needed, like at the beginning and end, "simp!", etc haha

Kat Burger

Time for the discord to find another movie to obsess over haha


Hopefully like Mamma Mia it’s one we were already planning to do, otherwise it could be in vain…


I was there that amazing night. Let’s just say it was really pumping 😇

David Head

Is there a commentary track for Under the Silver Lake because i've just seen it and it was The Room level bad and i feel like a track from yourself and a few buddies would be golden and i need it in my life

David Head

If you have time i would love you to Striffsplain why you love it because I really did not get on with it at all so i'd find that interesting.


this was so good I loved it!! I have a gripe with the Patreon player that you can't skip 10 seconds with the arrow buttons like the YouTube player (I think this does a minute and 10 seconds with each click) but of course that's not a problem with your content at all :)


the patreon player doesn't remember where you left off in the video like the yt player does if you have to pause and come back later :/


that was included in the notes we recently sent back to patreon! we're beta testing the new player for em

Conner (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-29 04:29:14 This is from IMDB. "Meryl Streep first saw the musical in October 2001 with her daughter Louisa, and her daughter's friends in Manhattan. Streep wrote to the producers to praise them for bringing a little happiness and fun to the lives of New York City's people following the 9/11 terrorist attacks." So, thank you Meryl
2022-05-01 00:54:26 This is from IMDB. "Meryl Streep first saw the musical in October 2001 with her daughter Louisa, and her daughter's friends in Manhattan. Streep wrote to the producers to praise them for bringing a little happiness and fun to the lives of New York City's people following the 9/11 terrorist attacks." So, thank you Meryl

This is from IMDB. "Meryl Streep first saw the musical in October 2001 with her daughter Louisa, and her daughter's friends in Manhattan. Streep wrote to the producers to praise them for bringing a little happiness and fun to the lives of New York City's people following the 9/11 terrorist attacks." So, thank you Meryl

Kaitlyn Dvorak

my life is a mess but I’m sure watching this Mamma Mia track for the 2nd time in a week will help right?

Kaitlyn Dvorak

Got high, had a fucking blast, then slept for 13 hours. My ideal heaven now is waking up as Pierce Brosnan and getting eternally chased by a flood of dancing women. 10/10