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Time to carve a Zach-O-Lantern! 🎃

We've got a new RL Stine joint just in time for Spooky Season!

Well, actually these were released in the summer for whatever reason.

Gonna stop rhyming now because YEAH we watched the Fear Street trilogy!!!

And by we I do mean my RL Stine buddy Zach.

He's seen the first two.

I've seen none.

Lets get freakin SPOOOOKY!!!

Ready for another commentary track? Browse the full library!


Watch Us Watch | Fear Street Part Two: 1978


Sarah Lore

Is Zach wasted already?

Katie Holmes

eric spending 90% of this track talking about their names...................eric.........we got it. also her sister never said her name when you thought she said caroline, she said ziggy KLFJKDSKDFJ

Kiki Martinez

Eric going full Pepe Silvia with this name thing


me shouting "THEY NEVER SAID HER NAME" hahaha


Eric is right with it being a misdirect and we were supposed to think Cindy was Gillian. Also when I first saw it I thought, if they wanted to the hide the twist better, when we first see Gillian she's with her cat "Major Tom" and her name was Ziggy... David Bowie reference was to easy haha

Sarah Lore

Not Eric thinking it was all cops are bad

Emma B

Ummm I thought ACAB was bad too…

ellie bradley

When I first watched it, the name thing was a twist for me! I thought Ziggy was gonna die the whole time. I am gullible I guess

natey boi

zach was an absolute mess in this lmfao put the claw down hunny!

Nick Stokes

read this comment before the commentary and was very nervous waiting for the boys to be not happy about ACAB

Nick Stokes

i like eric thought her name was caroline because zach just randomly said it while ziggy and cindy were talking

Mark Nutz

This was HILARIOUS. Would love to see you two watch Midnight Mass.


dude just let eric explain the name thing lmao


it’s bastards as in working for a bastardized system lmao. not like the insult bastard


u should do a commentary for old!! feel like that would be fun


you ever thought about doing commentary tracks on Mr Robot, such a great show and i'd love to see you do it!


I'm so excited I can revisit this movie series with you guys! I really didn't like the third one as much, so I'm excited to see you guys be excited for it, so I can look at it in a different light.

Jaymen Neff-Strickland

Part three is coming Friday right? Holy shit, I don’t want to wait to watch 1666, but I want to watch it for the first time with y’all just like I did ‘78!

Maria Mir

zach tracks are always my favorite

Kyndal Whitley

See I thought Cindy looked more like the older actress because they both have darker red hair. That’s why I was back and forth the whole movie about which sister was going to live. I mainly thought Ziggy was going to die (technically she did) until she bled on the hand. Then I knew Ziggy was the sister that survived. That’s the whole reason why Deena, Josh, and Sam were there because Ziggy bled on Sarah Fier’s body too and survived just like Sam did.

Chris Blaze

everyone i know says bad i have never once until now heard bastards


after looking into it i found that it is most commonly "bastards" but I'm sticking with "bad" because it flows way better

Sam Davey

"Don't say anything." - Eric 2021


i haven't finished yet but eric might find ryan simpkins familiar bc their brother Ty looks very similar and was in Iron Man 3, Jurassic World and The Nice Guys


This was driving me insane. What happened is the other guy already told Eric in Fear Street 1 that Gillian Jacob’s was Sadie’s (Max from ST) character grown up. Eric must’ve just forgotten off the top of his head but it was still there subconsciously. I don’t think the other guy even knew he spoiled it, he likely forgot that was a big twist. He was so excited to tell Eric about Gillian that when Eric asked “is she the younger version of her” he confirmed it lol.

Nik Rem

Drunk Zach is my favorite Zach. I love that he looks right at the WUW camera whenever he does a bit hahaha