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Before there was Inside... before there was Eighth Grade... there was...

Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous.

Easily Bo Burnham's most underrated work, this one-season series tells the story of Zach Stone, a pre-celebrity who uses his college savings to instead make a documentary about his rise to fame. It aired on MTV in 2013 and was quickly canceled, but not before becoming perhaps my favorite thing Bo has ever made.

It's possible you only just heard about this show over the last few weeks because it's been making the rounds on social media in the wake of Bo's latest special's massive success. It's more likely you still haven't heard about it. It is criminally under watched and it feels like it may have a second life now that folks are finding out about it, so consider this our attempt to give it an extra push toward the notoriety it deserves.

I am joined by one of the other biggest Bo fans I know, Mr. Miles Bon!

Sincerely hope you love this series as much as we do!!! ❤️

PS. The Watch Us Watch for the first episode is available in the $10 "MORE OF IT" tier, and the rest are available in the $15 "ALL OF IT" tier. Enjoy!

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Watch Us Watch | Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous | Episode 1


Katie Holmes

i caught this show for the first time at like 1am during the summer of 2013/2014 maybe?? when it was having a re-run marathon that of course probably started at midnight so no one would be watching i don't even think i think i saw the pilot maybe started between episodes 2 and 3 but i was hooked immediately and i was already a fan of bo from his youtube videos at that point can't wait to watch this with you guys i have been excited for this moment ever since it was merely MENTIONED in a previous track YEARS ago WHEW!


i was 13 when i saw this on TV and even though i knew about bo burnham from youtube, my brain kept telling me there was a 3% chance this was real bo is a gem !!!

Heda Kom Trikru

I love that this show is getting the traction it deserves thanks to ‘inside’. Such a hidden gem


brought a tear to my eye


i'd pay an extra $15 a month for this alone

holland rainwater

can't believe you went the entire episode without mentioning that amy was in the social network

Reggie B

watched the first half of the season a few years ago and the eps were so hard to find i couldnt finish it. excited to see it through to the end with u guys!


My boyfriend refuses to watch this show w me because he says it’s too awkward so I’m so happy to watch along with you guys lol


You may have stolen the "hm well..." from him but I stole it from you. 🎶Its the circle of liiife🎶

Brooke Cottrell

thank you for giving me a good reason to watch this show i love everything else he's done but i wasnt sure i'd be into this but now i have to try