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Well I guess I'm officially watching Shadow and Bone now, huh? A lot of folks said it picked up as it went on, so let's find out whether or not that's a bullshit lie.

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Watch Us Watch | Shadow and Bone | Season 1 - Episode 8


Dystopian Wolf Studios

Just realized the shadow guy was the bad guy for Punisher season 1. Jigsaw :D


I can't wait for Season 2. I was bored the first few episodes and then as the season went on, I got hooked! Thanks again for sticking with it! It was definitely worth it! Thank Saints!

Austin Goodwin

Yikes the scene outside your Airbnb reminds me of the backyard scene in ET that terrified me as a kid 😅 And wow I can’t believe I got so into the show. Can’t wait for season 2! It didn’t hurt that this show had some real zaddys 😛


Also, the spinoff books with the Crows start after the events in the TV show, so the TV show created this storyline of them needing to kidnap the Sun Summoner, which acts as a prequel to what happens in the spinoff book series.


LMAO. The first three books (Shadow & Bone) are about Alina and Mal and their journey battling the Darkling (the shadow man haha). After that trilogy, the author wrote a duology (Six of Crows) that follows A BADASS HEIST with Kaz, Inej, JESPER, and Nina and Matthias! Those books take place a few years after the events with Alina and Mal. The show actually gets A LOT of details from the books to bring to life. The only major change is the timeline and the combination of both stories to suit the show. But as you can tell even in the show, the crows are just superior. I can only imagine your shouts of excitement when we get to the crows' story from their books!

Jessie Gideon

as someone who has read the books, if season 2 picks up where i think it will, you're gonna LOVE it. especially the storyline with the crows as we see the tie in of jesper, kaz, and inej with nina and matthias. it'll be right up your alley!