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Well I guess I'm officially watching Shadow and Bone now, huh? A lot of folks said it picked up as it went on, so let's find out whether or not that's a bullshit lie.

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Watch Us Watch | Shadow and Bone | Season 1 - Episode 6


Emma B

The lukewarm choco milk comment at the very end made me gag.

Emma B

no we were supposed to know it’s Nina. She was in the first 2 episodes when she got captured also The witch hunter dude said her names a few times in that last scene.


Shu Han is the nation north of Ravka and is inspired by Mongolia and China. Shu Han and Ravka are at war and Alina is half-Shu in the show (the actress is half-Chinese.) That's why there's so many racist comments said to her about being Shu! And yes to the spin-off series comment! Shadow and Bone is the original trilogy and a few years later the Six of Crows duo-logy was written. Kaz, Inej, and Jesper's (aka the crows) story comes a few years later in the same world. Their paths never cross Alina or Mal's in the books!


So Elena is the protagonist of the Shadow and Bone series, and Kaz, Jesper, and Inej are known as the Crows and are characters from the Shadow and Bone spinoff series (Six of Crows) that were added into the TV show. It's ironic because they weren't included in the Shadow and Bone main book series but they're my favorite characters because of their Ocean's Eleven-like heists.


I'm so glad you're enjoying the series now Eric! I honestly had to rewatch the series to truly enjoy the series so thanks for sticking with it!

Katie Holmes

yes another contrarian who likes the movie just friends! it's one of the best comedies/romcoms!

Austin Goodwin

“I was about to fuck the shadow man but Zack and Cody’s mom saved me” -a sentence that only makes sense in this show