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The Devil Done Gone And Did It Again!

After last week's commentary track for The Conjuring 2 it only makes sense to continue with The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, right? Mike is back, and we open with a revelation about one of the plot points in this flick that blew our minds...

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Talon Stanley

1. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this movie. It was also stunning. A lot of people didn't like The Curse of LA Llorona, but I might watch it after seeing this movie. 2. I'm pretty sure Mike was spot on. (Spoilers) The woman is alive. She's the daughter of the old guy and became a satanist because of her father's obsession. The demon she summoned gave her the ability to do all of the powerful stuff she was doing (i.e. looking like other people and possessing the dead guy). 3. Can't wait for Overghouled to come out

Talon Stanley

I also very much appreciated the level of Psych talk in this track