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More like The Conjuring BOO, am I right?

With a new movie in the The Conjuring Expanded Cinematic Universe on the way, and considering we did a track for the first movie in the franchise five years ago, we figured we'd take a look at The Conjuring 2! I think the scariest thing about it is the runtime tbh! Yeesh!!! C'mon James, some of us have shit to do.

And if it's a James Wan ghost movie, you know that "we" can only mean me & Mike!

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Watch Us Watch | The Conjuring 2


Carson Phillips

i’m just watching through all these movies now and the actor who did the parts for the crooked man also played slender man in the 2018 film, so yes the similarities are big

Dane Yurchak

I recommend the movie Ghostwatch. its a live BBC tv special that was based on this movie's case. People thought the special was real.

Alexander S Burke

It's like seeing mom and dad back together😭

Katie Holmes

ERIC why are you BLONDE

Katie Holmes

also it’s my birthday can’t wait to be spooked at the ripe age of 25 with the best boys!


we love an epic blond moment !! welcome to the club Eric, we truly do have more fun

Rose Gill

I've watched this movie multiple times and I will happily watch it again with you

Maddy Baker

yess more mike!

Rose Gill

My stupid movie title suggestions: 'The ghost's court' (the peoples court), 'better call Mr So-and-so' (better call saul), 'how to get away with murder when the peron you killed comes back to testify' (how to get away with murder), 'law & horror: spectral victims unit' (law & order: special victims unit). These are all stupid but I thought I'd give it a go, the last one was obviously already said by you but I thought it was probably the best out of what you guys said.

Ty Hardnett

Huge Trigger Warning for what i'm about to write : Hi Eric i've been a pretty big fan of you since around 2017/2018 and I just really wanted to say how appreciative i am of these commentaries. I recently tried to take my own life a few days ago and its been really really rough to distract myself. I use to date this girl for almost a year, we broke up because she want back to her super abusive ex whos extremely toxic and manipulative. We've been exchanging dm's back and forth recently and it seems they're happy which really upset me as bad as that sounds. Thats what really first set it off. My dad has had lung cancer for a while and has recently been put in the hospital. I havent seen him in probably 10 years but i still have a lot of memories. I got seperated legally from my mom when i was probably about 15 I want to say. It's been a huge struggle on the both of us and she really struggles financially, so i recently started helping her pay her bills. What really caused most of this is I live in a very verbally abusive household now with my grandparents. My grandpa has never really liked me or my mom and i dont really know the reason for it. All of this stress and anger and emotions really just got the best of me and I just let it all go and attempted it. I woke up 14 hours later seemingly fine but im still pretty shaken up and depressed, These tracks really do keep me going, I really mean it. Thank you so fucking much, and i'm sorry this was a lot,

natey boi

OKAY BLONDE ERIC IS HOT 🥵 as miles would say: we STAN a blonde king!

Imy Palmer-Fuog

We're all glad you're still here Ty. It sounds cliché, but I promise it really does get better. x


Honestly all that matters to me is that I can provide happiness to anyone, I can’t imagine anything more important than that. I’m glad what we do has helped you, and I hope you’re alright and shit starts lookin up for you soon. Hang in there and let us know if you need anything ❤️

Jess Crossley

Eric looks so ready for hot girl summer!

Ty Hardnett

also Law and Murder??? for the court room ghost movie

Keaghan O'Brien

For the court room ghost film, might i suggest "Dead to Rights"

Maddie Zimmerman



Oh! A ghost court movie called '12 Angry Spirits' or 'Hanged Jury'


YES i thought of "12 spooky men" while driving the other day and was kicking myself hahaha!


in response to what you said about the it 2017 and 2019 5 hour cut, the director, andy, was supposed to release a supercut supposedly in early 2020 and it never came. so we'll see if we ever get it.

Elizabeth Shuma

This movie was more like a James YAWN, amirite?

Lex LaVey

you boys need to do the annabelle and nun movies