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See you down the road.

Folks, I have a huge announcement to make that may shock you: I live in a van! And you know who else lives in a van? Frances McDormand in Nomadland!!!

Nomadland tells the story of people who live in vans, some who do it because they choose to, like me, and others who have no choice. Driving all day, sleeping in parking lots, and shitting in buckets. Whether that sounds exciting or depressing is up to you.

This one felt like a no-brainer because it offers me an opportunity to share some stories from my past few years living on the road, as well as answer lots of frequently asked questions about my lifestyle, but I wanted to do it in an appropriate way. Recording from inside the van? Been there, done that. Recording from outside the van? Now that's a road I've not traveled down... until now.

Wind in the mic? A bit. Sand in my eyes? A lot. But it's all worth it for the lovely scenery and the suspense of finding out whether or not I started recording at just the right time to capture the full sunset.

As you'll hear me say a few times in the track, recording outdoors is one of those situations where I had no idea how it would turn out, but I've been really wanting to try. While it's definitely a lot more story-time / Q&A then it is commentary, I honestly can't think of any other way I would have done a track for Nomadland. I'd love to know what you think of it, and of course if you have any more questions about my experience living in a van that I didn't answer then please feel free to ask me!

Hope you enjoy, and have a wonderful weekend! ❤️

- Eric

PS. Here's my attempt at protecting the recording equipment from the elements...

PPS. Don't click here until you get to the final story at the very end of the track!

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was very confused by this notification but it made sense as soon as i saw the thumbnail 😭😭 can’t wait to rewatch w y’all


The thumbnail looks like you were kicked out of the van by your girlfriend, it looks so awkward. I love it.


Yeah we get you are living the dream van life. Shut up and make commentary about all the movies I liked as a child. And all the movies I missed because I'm 30 and have to work a real job all the time.

Jack Guidera

The most terrifying film about a man fighting the wind since The Happening. (For real though, loving this track! The Q&A format works really well, I'd be down to see more like this in the future.)


i can’t wait to watch this, i hope there’s a van tour

Simon Latchford

Should I have already watched Nomadland for this?


Well i talk over most of it so you just won’t get the full experience of the movie but if you’re not that interested then it’s fine


The serotonin this has given me

Quinn Freedman

I was unable to find a legitimate place to stream this so I was forced to turn to other means. Apparently someone just uploaded the wrong file so I watched the first 5 minutes of "Pixie (2020)" synced up with this commentary. One of the most confusing movie experiences of my life.

April Samber

Thank you for this Eric.

Katie Holmes

the wind: the ultimate villain

Katie Holmes

i’m shocked you didn’t say you wanted that cooler for chocolate milk


This was great, maybe you should start a podcast or vlog or something because I'm much more interested in your stories and answers than watching the movie again


I really appreciate that! Especially after how many times I pondered during the track if anything I was saying was interesting haha

Sarah Hardy

Aw man didn't want this one to end, the setting and atmosphere were perfect. The golf cart going past in the background at 1:13: 57 scared the shit outta me lol i thought it was a huge dog


this was amazing! I loved how passionate you are about van living and how you wanted everything it look for the commentary track. it was so much fun to watch and hear you tell your stories! your set up was amazing hope all your equipment is okay.

Clark Zuckerberg

Late to the party but this was awesome, Eric. As much as I love the comedic tracks, it was really nice just listening to you be open, honest and quite serious. It's been a long time since I've seen this side of you and it was super refreshing. All the love to you, Eric! Hope you find an outlet for this side of you (if you so choose) as it was very sweet and heartwarming.