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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas Chronicles!

I honestly completely forgot whether or not I enjoyed The Christmas Chronicles, but watching The Christmas Chronicles: Part Two made me realize I probably did not. My sister Jill joined me for this after just watching the first one a few days ago, so she was better prepared than I was.

But you know what? I still stand by the statement I recall making in the first one: Kurt Russel is a badass Santa Claus, hunny! And Mrs. Claus is a freakin stoner!!!

Ladies and gentlemen... let the Christmas season begin!


- Eric

PS. Okay so new laptop with a new camera that's causing new problems. Yikes. This movie track and a few upcoming TV tracks deal with the camera randomly turning off here and there, but all upcoming recordings will be with a different camera. Apologies for the stupid blackouts and/or freezes!

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Watch Us Watch | The Christmas Chronicles: Part Two


April Samber

I also wept excessively watching Onward.


I didn’t watch any trailers, so when I realized what the plot was in the first freakin act I just immediately started crying


You should do doom patrol

Katie Holmes


Hjalmar Andersen

"And for our French listeners: tray"

Katie Holmes

i guess the glasses couldn’t help with eric’s math because 30 years before 2020 is in fact 1990! they really could have done a lil home alone homage 😪

Hjalmar Andersen

Eric thinking it was set in 1970, when they said 30 years before 2020, is a mood honestly


Oh WOW yeah idfk where my head was at, I have zero justification hahaha. I also TURN 30 SOON so ???

April Samber

Hunt for the Wilderpeople is the Taika Waititi movie.

Cheryl Wayte

Eric wearing his glasses? In my video? It's more likely than you think.

Solomon Fisher

Love that the kid from Hunt for the Wilderpeople has been doing so well! that was the movie you knew him from but didn't know the name

natey boi

hi i’m a year late but i just want to reiterate what eric said at the end: this sucked ass. ok happy holidays

Jessie Gideon

eric serenading the christmas tree and then proceeding to break it had me in TEARS