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The 13 Reasons Why lore runs deeper than we could have possibly imagined thanks to Netflix's new series Cursed, in which our hero Hannah Baker returns from the dead as a Queen Arthur of sorts. Although King Arthur is also there, but he's not a king yet. And Merlin is there too, but he doesn't have any magic.

Sounds fun, right?!

Obviously not. It's a bad show.

Be warned; the first half of this show is legitimately a chore to get through, but it does pick up as it nears the finale and the conclusion is absolutely worth sticking around for. A true NO TIGERS to GO TIGERS tale for the ages!

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I'm so excited

wow cleo

i think i’ve resorted to depending on these uploads to let me know what day of the week it is lol !!


I just can't do it...

Austin Goodwin

Lmao the word “witch” is just like a slur for anyone who practices magic. Katherine Langford is a “fey person”. And the red cloak people are just religious fanatics obsessed with hunting down “witches”.

Helen Pixelen

God this show is so f*cking bad. I knew about the Lady of the Lake from the 1998 Merlin miniseries with Sam Neill and Martin Short, now that was good! Nimue in this one is useless.