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The 13 Reasons Why lore runs deeper than we could have possibly imagined thanks to Netflix's new series Cursed, in which our hero Hannah Baker returns from the dead as a Queen Arthur of sorts. Although King Arthur is also there, but he's not a king yet. And Merlin is there too, but he doesn't have any magic.

Sounds fun, right?!

Obviously not. It's a bad show.

Be warned; the first half of this show is legitimately a chore to get through, but it does pick up as it nears the finale and the conclusion is absolutely worth sticking around for. A true NO TIGERS to GO TIGERS tale for the ages!

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Watch Us Watch | Cursed | Season 1 - Episode 3


Kieran Gray

Okay you were not wrong. I'm 3 in and this is an absolute chore. The tracks are the only thing making it bearable to watch and honestly I couldn't tell you a single plot point

Kieran Gray

Also are you guys watching a completely different show to me? Like I'm barley paying attention but wow you guys just have no clue what's going on ever and it's hilarious haha


I've never known anyone else who knew the lyrics to the K9 Advantix commercial and I now feel validated. Thank you Eric.

April Samber

I googled it. It's absolutely Hogwarts!

Jack Guidera

This is a total inside baseball question, but does PMI64 also count as a Let's Play?

Aidan Nichols

Nimue: *moves paladins robe over Eric: Is she PEELING HIS SKIN?!

Ondine (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-11 03:51:43 Yo, I legit SCREECHED when you said Brandon Flynn. Can't fucking wait for Looks That Kill, baby! Thanks for making a shitty day better. <3
2020-07-28 16:56:04 Yo, I legit SCREECHED when you said Brandon Flynn. Can't fucking wait for Looks That Kill, baby! Thanks for making a shitty day better. <3

Yo, I legit SCREECHED when you said Brandon Flynn. Can't fucking wait for Looks That Kill, baby! Thanks for making a shitty day better. <3

Claire Taylor

cant believe you came for hila klein like that