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Dirty John Betty is back,

I hope you're ready to delve back into the insane world of Dirty John Betty with me and Miles, because this was recorded around the time we recorded those tracks and it was still at the front of our minds. No, this is not Dirty John Betty: The Movie. This is Identity.

If you've never seen this movie, you are in for as wild a ride as The Betty Broderick Coaster would be if Universal would approve our plans for it. If you have seen it, then you know this is the exact type of movie you'd want to see someone watch for the first time. Pleased to report it's as fun as you'd hope!

This really is one of my all-time favorite movies, and while I recommend watching it on your own first, it is also safe to watch with us because Miles has never seen it and so there is no spoiler discussion prior to any of the many twists and turns.

I believe this is the final track from 2020 that has yet to be released, so please let us know if there are any insane references from the past that make absolutely zero sense anymore!


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Watch Us Watch | Identity


Katie Holmes

FINALLY!!!! i have such intense memories of this movie as a child i truly cannot wait for miles to see this for the first time!


why cant we escape the djbb:tbbs universe🥴


Eric idk if you’ve seen the John Cusack classic 1408, but it seems right up your alley

Kat Burger

The dialogue and and acting were fantastic. Loved most of the movie. Hadn't seen it before, but glad I watched it with your commentary. I will admit that the twist, while objectively clever, disappointed me. I feel that it adds to the stigma of people with DID being dangerous. Every twist and turn was incredibly smart and well done. I'm just tired of people with mental illness being depicted as murderers. That being said, Amanda Peet was spectacular.

Kat Burger

Oh i know. I think it's an issue with Hollywood in general. Not trying to attack this movie. I still think it's really impressive


This was my first time watching this movie and I have to say it was the best movie I've seen in years. It brought me back to before every movie was a remake or a big popcorn-style franchise and I was at the edge of my seat the entire time. Thank you so much for the recommendation. I'm definitely going to show it to my friends!


This is was my first time watching this and I loved every moment of it. The twists were insane, kept me guessing the whole way through!!

Abby Mason

First time here and every twist and turn had me screaming. Eric, I really love that you didn't give any spoilers. It is now going on my top 15 movies list. Thank you for always pulling out random movies that I don't hear anyone talking about! You're always so good at that wtf

Tess Danielson

I always forget how great this movie is!!


holy shit that was really amazing, i HAVE to show this to my friends now

Devin Biello

First time watching and the amount of times my jaw dropped. Just wow. Such a great film!

Henry J R Morgan

MILD SPOILERS but there was a nice detail you either missed or didn't want to draw attention to in case Miles worked it out. When Ray Liotta and John Hawkes are coming into the laundry room you can only see one silhouette through the tarp


Ooooh dunno if I’ve ever noticed that! Showing a friend this week, will keep an eye out


im so high and i thought i predicted the movie with my huge mind and then it just kept having more and more twists and im losing my mind

Noe Ramirez

I'd disagree and say that some filmmakers still have a classic movie feel to them. Mike Flanagan's films have an older style to them, especially Doctor Sleep and Geralds Game.


I watched this for the first time today and I’m glad it was with your commentary

Connor Clarey

God damn this movie was amazing, first time watching this... don’t really know why it took me so long


What a blast!