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Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt your usual PMI programming for something you probably weren't expecting. Sharing this with all of you first, of course. It'll go live for everyone else tomorrow, so keep it on the DL!

And don't worry, it won't be long before you see us again. This is mainly jusy affecting the show. We expect to be back with commentary tracks next week or the week after. Also going to reschedule Hangouts to the end of the month to accommodate this sudden break. This is a good thing, bear with us <3


The Talk

Uploaded by Pretty Much It on 2015-11-13.


Brandon Terry

Sometimes, people need to take a break to really find out how to make things better. Change comes with prices, after all. Usually, however, the payoff is better than the wait. I am excited to see the future of PMI, whenever it may be.

Henry J R Morgan

So this is the break... so video games are up next?

Matt Matkowski

Couldn't you have at least waited to take this break 4 episodes from now when you hit 200 eps? It would at least satisfy my OCD until you come back.


Hi, I've been following PMI since it started, I've been follwing Eric's videos since around 2008ish. PMI means a lot to me, more than I thought (I know its a break, but the thought of you guys leaving is terrifying) Its not a secret the patreon and the channel hasn't really been growing but I'm glad you guys love doing this and want to figure it out. I'm sure some of us have ideas if you want suggestions. I hope you guys come back better than ever. You make my Fridays. LOVE YA


Eric was you about to cry? cause you sure nearly made me!! gunna miss you guys making my mornings to work enjoyable!


Man I got a little teary eyed. Thank you guys so much for making something that I look forward to every week! Been a fan since Eric had erickwithnok!


Will definitely miss the show, but if commentary tracks are still going than everything is chill.


Man, looking forward to seeing you guys again, actually got teary eyed, i've been a fan for a long time, can't wait to see what happens next.


Good luck, you guys. Know that no matter where it is you guys go or what you decide to do, your fans will follow you.


The one time i decide to submit a PMI question... lol I must say, I am going to miss the show and watching it every friday as i have for YEARS. I can only imagine what it is like to do it for years. I love the show because of you guys and if you guys decide it is for the best to take a break, well, then it only makes sense to. I will of course stay a patron and look forward to the project that you guys put out. Thanks guy. - Max


It sounds stupid to say... and I never really thought about it until now, but this shows sort of a big part of my life. There's been a lot of inconsistent things in my life since I started watching over four years ago. This was something to look forward to every Friday, almost like a group of friends I knew I could hang with. Best of luck with whatever you do, guys! Here's to hoping PMI is something that will become an unusually significant part of my week again!

Jonathan Moncada

Who's gonna feed and take care of Mike now? Did you even think about that, Eric? He can't do it himself.


Well, this broke my heart. Like some of these people have said, PMI has been a consistent thing in my life for around 3 years now, so much so that I feel like I know you guys as friends. I mean, I have listened to you guys talk for hours and hours that adds up to months. I hope that you're able to continue to do great things together, and I surely hope this isn't the end of Pretty Much It. You guys are the only YouTube channel I watch, the only weekly podcast I subscribe to, and the only boys I would give so much money to. I know you know you're significant, I just wanted to tell you anyway.


I remember in January of 2012, I saw a random thumbnail of three dudes sitting in front of a white wall with a title about Bane's voice. I know you guys have been going at it for a long time now, and still haven't really hit too much success with the show but have moved on to find success elsewhere. I feel this is natural although still sad. I hope you guys can work something out and bring the show back because I love you idiots.

Wyatt Duncan

Can't say that I'm too surprised. With all of your individual projects, I expected something like this for a while. I love you guys and hope that you figure out the next step from here. I'm thrilled that you're continuing commentary tracks though, those have been a great weekly gift for me.


I can't say I'm surprised considering how hectic this year has been with PMI. I am a little bummed though, actually, I'm really bummed. I've been watching you boys since PMI 1.0, and you've become a regular part of my weekly schedule. Our Google Hangouts, the commentary tracks, and the Friday show brought me so much joy when I was going through my depression. I'm gonna miss the show. How am I suppose to get my news now!? Also, is your PO Box gonna remain open? I was planning to send you something once this semester stopped kicking my ass. Anyways, good luck with your projects, boys! &lt;3


Time for me to die.

Elisabeth S. C.

Not a huge surprise, honestly, but I'll miss the show a lot. You guys are awesome and I hope you get to be happy and do great things during the hiatus. I also hope to see you back together doing any other kind of project. We'll be waiting and still supporting! Good luck &lt;3


Thank you for all the laughs over the years. I've been watching your videos since your Cloverfield review on ErickwithnoK. You guys definitely deserve a break even though I'm really going to miss PMI. Like many people here I consider you guys as close friends. Whenever you guys do decide to come back we'll still be here to support you.


And also since you guys are still doing commentary tracks I would love if you did Insidious chapter 3. The first two were so great (the movie and commentary) so I would love to know your opinions on the third. Thanks!

Tom Walker

started tearing up...you guys feel like best friends and i honestly cannot imagine my life without you three every week...please can we all stay together


will there atleast be one more friday vid?


Whatever happens thank you guys for everything. Everyday I listen to you guys whether it's a commentary track or going back to an old episode of PMI or movie reviews. Even though we never met, this may sound weird, but you guys are like family to me. I've been watching for 3 years now and you guys always uplift me and make me laugh when I'm feeling down. I couldn't imagine life without you guys Whatever happens I hope you guys the best and thank you again.


I've been a fan since 2010, and I have been pretty much watching every episode since PMI 1.0 happened during the new year of 2012. You guys aren't just youtubers, you're by best friends, and my bro's. In the back of my mind, I always new it wouldn't last forever, but one can dream right? I will always be a fan of you guys, and will follow you guys wherever you go, and whatever you do. I'll be a supporter. You guys deserve a break, so enjoy it, we'll be here when you get back. I guess that's pretty much it.


I'm glad that you decided to be straight-forward with us instead of doing a series of videos and live streams leaving behind clues and riddles. Oh, yeah — that was a weird time.


I'm sure you can still just do audio podcasts over Skype, right? I've become so adjusted to hearing your voices every friday that I might go insane if I don't hear them for a while... And maybe I'm alone in this but PMI to me was an actual movie/tv/game news outlet. How am I supposed to know what children's hospitals the female Ghostbusters are busting now?

Simon Latchford

This show is the only bit of entertainment that, hasn't just been consistent, but consistently made me happy every time a new episode releases. I've been following the show since 1.0 and I'm honestly not sure what my life would be like without it. There's definitely been rough weeks where I've known if I get through it, there'd be a Pretty Much It episode and a bowl of cereal waiting for me on Saturday morning (I'm Australian), and man that's meant a lot to me. You guys don't owe us a thing, you could end right now and I'd be so thankful for the years you've given me, but I guess I just want you to know that you are doing a lot for a lot of people right now, and I definitely don't want that to end any time soon. If I recorded all the times I laughed the hardest this year, nearly all of them, if not all of them entirely, would be from you guys. And when things aren't really looking up for me, those laughs are definitely ones I need. Love this show, love you guys, and I hope you stick with us, plus I really wanna know Mike's Star Wars prediction when the movie comes out haha.


I can't wait to see the difference between these comments and the youtube ones.


This is a good thing. I've commented on a few videos basically saying "Don't feel obligated to do this if it doesn't feel right." I feel like this will really improve the show. PMI will come back better than before. I can't wait. I don't really watch anything on YouTube besides you guys. I can't really figure out why. I feel weird if I miss an episode of PMI. It probably is because it is the only channel I've been with since the beginning. You guys are smart. You'll figure it out. Be good, dads.


Also, fuck that theme. It fucks me up every time.


Pretty Much It is taking a break!?!? I guess until they come back, I'll do what I usually do when not watching PMI. Cry in the dark corner of my room.


pmi may be over but fridays will always be #pmifridays.


I really feel like you just broke up with me. Saying it's no goodbye for forever, but that you need to figure out your shit first. Meanwhile I'm sitting here, not knowing what to think since I never ever felt that something in our relationship was off.


This will keep you updated <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eDdUmUZRfk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eDdUmUZRfk</a>


Eric, I've told you before if you need to take a break I can handle PMI for a bit.


i remember when i first started watchin you boys like 30 episodes in and i just spent three straight days catching up. pmi is near and dear to my heart and i love this lil community :^) ps i didnt think i would rlly be crying rn

Captain Melonhead

Dammit, I don't get teary eyed during the video, but reading these comments really hit me! I love you guys, because holy crap you're all extremely funny and intelligent! Hearing you guys discuss about the news, and making up the most ridiculous moments from all your Friday shows to the commentary tracks were just the best! It's going suck not seeing/hearing all 3 of you together, but you guys do you! I totally understand why you're doing this.

Albin Lundholm

Been watching for over 3 years now, wow. Love you guys. This is sad


Thanks for everything you guys, i dont know how much time ive spent watching your videos and laughing my ass off for hours. You guys can really turn a persons day around. I love you guys and im gonna miss you, Youtube is gonna be prettymuchshit with out you.

Eric Davison

You guys have been a big part of my life for the last 3 years it seems. Every Friday was saved by you guys and your shenanigans. Good luck with the rest of your lives guys, hope your path crosses PMI again