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2020 saw the release of not one, but two shows with the same title. One is from Netflix, the other is from Quibi.

They are both called The Stranger.

We will not be watching the one from Quibi*

Netflix's The Stranger is essentially an excuse to learn fun British slang while also trying to figure out whether or not half a dozen seemingly disconnected plot lines are ever going to merge. What does the baseball hat girl have to do with the alpaca? By the end of this, perhaps absolutely nothing. Until then, we shall speculate...

As soon as I started recording solo commentary tracks, I suddenly had this series recommended to me by a surprising amount of people.

Finally checked out.

Totally fucking hooked.

Really appreciate all the enthusiasm for my solo tracks! Enjoy and stay safe!!

- Eric

* ... yet?

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Watch Us Watch | The Stranger | Episode 2


Emma B

If you are looking for a good one day binge, Unorthodox on Netflix is good. It's just 4 episodes and I couldn't stop watching. The actress was really great, I can't wait to see her in more stuff

Emma B

Lots of young women sell pictures to get through college which in my opinion shouldn't be a big deal. I think as long as your safe about your information, being a sugar baby is fine. I'm 22 paying for college out of pocket, I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about how much easier it would be to be a sugar baby. The really sad thing is that things like that could come back to haunt women in the professional world. It may just be because I'm from Alabama but people still act like sex workers are terrible


My friend is a sugarbaby. She does it to pay for her place and her two kids. She also likes the perks, sometimes it’s not just money. It’s dinner, new tires, stuff like that. She doesn’t mind telling her friends but she definitely isn’t casually saying it and would never tell her parents. So I don’t think the show is far off.


i'm scared of shadows and literally started tearing up at the end scene when that man was standing across the street and was not ready for the second figure in the woods 🥴 the ending of this episode also sold me!!!! as soon as it started picking up with the dad going to suzannes house and the husband reacting the way he did i was hooked. excited for 3 and 4!

Morgan Peters

because of you i can no longer say or hear "am i wrong?" without saying right after 🎶 am i wrong? 🎶

Semah Davies

Eric, I REALLY appreciate all the work you do. These commentaries are the best distractions (besides animal crossing) I could ask for so thank you ❤

Joshua Lemrick

Home paternity kits are a real thing. The retail store I used to work at just had them on the shelf, not even inside the pharmacy, for like forty bucks. No clue how they work.


Harlan Coben who wrote the book also has a film called Safe on Netflix with the guy from Dexter, very similar vibe


fun fact: the lawyers dad is played by anthony head who was giles in buffy the vampire slayer

Jack and Monty

I get the not wanting your dad to know about your sugar baby profile but having it go viral online also implies that multiple people share it. Explaining it away to future employers by saying I went on a couple dinner dates to pay off my student loans wouldnt be unreasonable either